Saturday, November 16, 2013


We are now selling t-shirts!  We picked two designs that we thought might be good for those adopting from Ethiopia, those adopting from other countries or domestically, and for those who just want to support adoption.


$20 - Short Sleeve
$25 - Long Sleeve
$27 - Comfort soft - cuff less

Please email just comment on here if you are interested in ordering a shirt.

Here is the first design...

*This shirt can be ordered in these other colors too!!


This shirt we are only ordering in Charcoal, short sleeve or long sleeve


Friday, May 3, 2013

Comfort to Courage

Our daughter Campbell is 9 years old. She is wise beyond her years. She teaches me more about Christ's love than I could have ever imagined and reveals to me so many of my insecurities through her self-confidence.  Going through the adoption process with older children is a lot different than adding to the family when they are young.  There are more questions, more involvement in decisions that need to be made, and a lot more years where it was "just us".

We were riding in the car the other day on the way to tennis practice. It was just the two of us, and she seemed a little more quiet than usual. Our family has a very communicative relationship, and when one of momma's cubs is "quiet", I usually start in with the 20 questions game.  I looked at her and said, "Are you okay?" She nodded and then said, "Mom, do you ever think about how different our family will be now that God has called us to adopt?"


I had to wonder if the child who had been begging us to adopt for over a year, was having second thoughts...if she realized that being "Daddy's Little Girl" might mean that now she would have to share him...if she kinda liked our little family the way is was...if she wanted to go on that family vacation this year, that has now been put on hold.  Then, she said this...

"I think it will be so different, but in ways we cannot even imagine.  God always knows what is best for us and He gave our family a lot of love to give to someone else.  How our life is now, just the four of us, is so good...but I know we are the perfect family for someone who doesn't have one.  I cannot even think about what it will be like, but I know it will be better."


I told her I loved her and smiled through my tears.  I am so thankful that she is willing to talk to me about anything.  I told her that my heart was feeling those very same things.  God has called our family to adopt...not just mom and dad.

We are going from COMFORT to COURAGE.  Oh how God has blessed us, and we are comfortable with where we are.  But He gave us courage to step out in faith.  He wants so much more for us.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

"Change" A Life

Friends and Family...

We are ready to get you involved in our journey! Many of you have committed to praying for us and have given such wonderful words of affirmation to us since we made our official announcement that we were adopting from Ethiopia.  Even though we have not seen this child, we are already praying for her salvation, her adoption into God's family.  We are forever grateful for your partnership!  It takes a village...

Our first fundraiser will allow you all to help us "change" a life for one child.  This will be an on-going fundraiser and should be an easy one.  We are asking families to place a mason jar (that looks just like the one below) somewhere in their house and to toss in their loose change. This is a great way to get your whole family involved in caring for orphans. We are hoping that this will also serve as a reminder to pray for the millions of abandoned children all over the world.  

Once your jar is full, you can bring it to us and let us know if you want to continue to re-fill it until our child comes home.  For those who live out of town, but want to participate, any jar will do! Every penny, quarter, dollar, will go towards changing an entire generation for this little girl. It is also our wish to use some of the monies collected to purchase needed items for the orphanage in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, where our child will live until we meet her.   

For those feeling lead to give beyond "the jar", you can do so by clicking the yellow DONATE button at the top right.  

 I have the jars with the labels on them. Please just email me at if you would like one, and I will get it to you.  

Thankful for each of you...

...‘I tell you the truth, just as you did it for one of the least of these brothers or sisters of mine, you did it for me.’  Matthew 25:40

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Best Valentine's Day EVER!!

Here we go!  We mailed off our official application to Lifeline to see if we will be accepted into their adoption program.  We should hear back next week!